June 26, 2010

FORZA ITALIA's Travelblog - Pics: Joburg Part 3

Pic 1: best player ever...you know he has a church in argentina? (http://www.goal.com/en/news/1863/world-cup-2010/2009/10/14/1560271/video-welcome-to-the-church-of-diego-maradona-the-god-of)
Pic 2: random mall downtown with a bunch of ppl hurrying to see the uruguay-south korea game
Pic 3: my brother standing with a bunch of hand-carved player-dolls...was thinking of buying one, but they kinda look like shit.
Pic 4: all the buildings were colored and decorated with flags, soccer balls, colors, etc...especially the corporations. this particular building is our beloved citibank.
Pic 5: me, my brother, and our host friend standing next to a madiba (nelson mandela) statue

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