June 26, 2010

FORZA ITALIA's Travelblog - Pics: Joburg Part 2

Pic 1: World Cup mascot, 'Zakumi'. 'Za' means South Africa, and 'kumi' is the number 10 in a number of different languages.
Pic 2: more commercialization....mmm.....thank u america
Pic 3: huge football in the sky...i actually saw 5 different ones...this was the only one without a company name on it (the others were hyundai, and i can't remember)
Pic 4: the price of petrol outside the US is CRAZY EXPENSIVE....we complain about anything that goes above $3-4 a gallon, while over there, it comes out to....$6 a gallon...if u want to do the conversions urself, it is $1 = 7.6 rand and 1 gallon = 4 liters
Pic 5: me tackling maradona...and then getting a cramp

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