Pic 1: Mandela's cell. pretty small. at least it had sunlight.
Pic 2: the differences in diet between coloured/indian people and black people. Black people get half of what the others get. No white prisoners in Robben Island.
Pic 3: a pile of rocks symbolizing freedom, liberty, justice...it's been there since 1991.
Pic 4: At least the inmates got to play soccer. Once a week, they obviously looked forward to it immensely.
Pic 5: Our tour guide, Kotso. He was sentenced to a 25-year jail sentence in Robben Island, which was only going to end last year...damn. He explained how his trial was a sham, he got almost no legal counsel and defense, and how South African people are not vengeful people (if that were me, I would definitely want some form of revenge).
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