July 9, 2010

FORZA ITALIA'S Travelblog: Joburg's Amusement Park - Gold Reef City

hey, so on our last day, we decided to go to an amusement park. i realized i hadn't been to one in 5-6 years, which is kinda crazy...and i forgot how much fun they were...i guess the whole culture of standing in lines for a 30 second joy ride, paying exorbitant prices for food and drinks didn't appeal to me initially...but i'm a baller now, so whatever (actually south africa wiped me clean...but it was definitely worth it).

pics in reverse order this time.

pic 5: of course, have an african tribal dance for the foreigners...typical...but at an amusement park? well, as long as it amuses ppl i guess.

pic 4: they had all sorts of animals wandering around, which was actually really cool...squirrels, peacocks, ducks, dogs, cats,

pic 3: Ok, so i confess i was not a huge fan of roller coasters...it's not that i wasn't a huge fan, but i just told myself i was scared the entire time...mind plays tricks on you...so when my brother said he was too scared to go, naturally, my ego starts to kick in. i make fun of my brother and hype myself up...ok, so there's two sides to that...one where you don't think about your actions and go..like this UFO one, which was a lot of fun..i was just slightly dizzy after i came out...it went all the way vertical and i guess centripetal forces ensure u don't even move, while u are going pretty fast...

Pic 2:...and one where you constantly think about it while standing in the line for arguably the scariest roller coaster in the park...it takes you to quite a height...and then you literally accelerate downwards (straight downwards...like no incline) at a speed you cannot possibly fathom...the entire experience lasts 3 seconds....so this picture is of me stupidly laughing, when in reality i am scared shitless...

pic 1: and this pic, when i am on the roller coaster, is when i am actually shitting my pants....

but seriously, roller coasters are mad fun...i had never been on a loop-di-loop one before and it was the first time, and actually, those aren't even hard...i dont know why i psyched myself out before...all the roller coasters were amazing...in fact, that's all we really did...repeated it as well!!
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