June 17, 2010

1-1 Is the Loneliest Number

As an English man living in the States, the pain of last Saturday's draw was even more accentuated by the fact I had to face my American friends and colleagues after coolly assuring them a week earlier that it would be a walk in the park for us - after all how could our great football-loving nation, whose forefathers invented the beautiful game, fail to impress when playing against an opposition who don’t even call the sport by its rightful and proper name.

Alas it wasn't to be. I should be thankful for the bride whose wedding I was at last Saturday - she banned televisions, and in doing so gave me 90 minutes of my life which would have otherwise been painfully wasted! On returning to Philly, even the man who greeted me at immigration couldn't resist a dig as he stamped my passport and proudly told me he went to High School with Tim Howard. I think I mumbled some obscenities about Green and forced a smile ….

If it’s any consolation, it gave me some comfort to discover the Americans still haven’t grasped the intricacies of the scoring when I read the front page of the New York Post the following day …..

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