June 27, 2010

FORZA ITALIA's Travelblog - Pics: Inside Soccer City Stadium, Joburg, Argentina vs. Mexico

Pics of me and my brother inside the stadium...being close up to the pitch was awesome..

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2 comments: on "FORZA ITALIA's Travelblog - Pics: Inside Soccer City Stadium, Joburg, Argentina vs. Mexico"

Agrentina Vacations said...

I regret to say that I have maybe put the commentator's curse on Messi. He has barely been in the game at all since the break. However those around him have been good enough to step up.

Experts on Agrentina vacations


messi didn't need to....if his team is winning, he will just sit back....but honestly, sitting in the stadium...i purposely watched two players...even off the ball...messi and di maria...di maria was having a bad game...messi however was very clever with his movements and running..he always has his head up and can find the ball...it's true, he wasn't involved in any decisive plays...but believe me...messi was important

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